Mama's on fire!

I came in 3rd place in the first event of the WBCOOP!  Woot!  And get this.....it was PLO!  Waffles, thanks for teaching me the game.  I get it now!

I got 3rd place!

Getting third kinda sucked.  Check out the hand I bet the tourney on:

I thought it was a beauty of a hand.  Preflop anyway. AKKQ double suited.  Nice right?  Poker Gods gave the villian quad 6s though.  Fucker.  Still.....I'm very proud of how this tournament was played.  Amazing playing for hours on end.  Trust me on this one.

Can't wait for the next event.  It's holdem!

Play smart.



The Neophyte said…
Congrats Josie, very well done. Does this mean you're gonna quit playing holdem and become an Omaha specialist?
KenP said…
Welcome to Saugus!

Home of the Saugus Ironworks, Waffles U. and the State Home for the Criminally Insane.
Josie said…
Neo, Nope! Afterwards I played a $22 holdem game and WON. I shiat u not.

Mr. Indiana, LOLLLLL I do live right near the Saugus Ironworks and Waffles U!
Unknown said…
Sweet! Now of course you're ready for a rematch? :)

Congrats on the cash!
BamBam said…
Congrats Jo. Very well done.
Josie said…
LOL Drizz - No effing way! ty!

Thanks Bammer baby!
Mike Heffner said…
This is slightly insane and cool at the same time. Should have finished first loser, though - I could have related more...
Josie said…
LOL Heff, I aspire to be like you. Next time 2nd place!
Way to go, Josie! PLO is such a fun game when you can avoid getting screwed for long enough.
Josie said…
Thanks Hoy. It was fun but I prefer holdem. Just wait till I kick your butt at Survivor Donkey Island. ;)
PokahDave said…
Nice going...how did you get home in time to get into this thing? Wasn't it early?
suitedaces said…
Wow!! Guess you're a big girl now. Will be very wary to tangle with you in the near future. You're too hot.
Correction: You're too too hot!!!
Congrats...Good luck on future events. May see you there or in Vegas in June.
Josie said…
Pokah Dave, I left work early. I DO have my priorities. :)

Aces Dave, Vegas in June, huh? Hmmmmmmmm

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