Smart Guy

I hope you don't have delusions of grandeur and think this post is about YOU.

Poker Grump knows things and he's a big fan of the 2-4.  I used to think, "Meh, it ain't no J-10", but now I'm a believer.

I had The Grump!

Yes, I caught a runner runner flush.  Doh!  So of course, I'm going to start playing the 2-4 and we'll see just how often it really wins.  Research must be done on this phenomenon.

Below is the same game, and yes I called with the 2-4 in first position....for research purposes.

Oh My God!

Below is my 3rd hand with 2-4.  Same tourney.

So far, 3 for 3 with 2-4

Play smart.



Rakewell said…
First hand--you caught runner-runner straight? Hmmm. I thought it was a flush, but what do I know?
Memphis MOJO said…
The best thing about the 2-4 is that they never see it coming!
Josie said…
I had runner runner flush. Please re-read. :)
PokahDave said…
I'd like to see that at Seabrook. "You called a 3BB raise with 2-4o and flopped the nut straight?" "Ummm...yup...I did"....
Josie said…
@PokahDave LOL I don't play that way live, which is maybe why I do well live. of course I did play the spanish inquisition live and that panned out....

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