MMMM Lightning's chips are yummy!

16 people turned out for The Very Josie.  I was surprised to see myself sandwiched between Lightning and Memphis Mojo.  I also had SmBoatDrinks at my table, Shelly of Hella Holdem, HeffMike and Lucky Duck. 

Very nice table!  Although it got ugly early!  A few minutes into it and HeffMike had 25 chips left.  Shelly annihilated him when she hit a full house, jammed all in and got paid off.  Heff had trips.  So tonight, he truly WAS the first loser.  First one out of the tourney!

KeepFlopping was out 2nd and I believe that was Jordan's doing.  That Jordan!

I started out playing very tight.  Hard to believe, right?  But it's true.  Tonight's play was tight early on, playing premium hands and just doubling the blind instead of big raising.  It really worked for me.  When i hit the flop I got paid off and I hit the flop a few times.  I knocked out Lucky Duck when I hit a K high flop while holding big slick.

Speaking of knocking people out, I knocked out a ton of them.  In fact I even made a list!

Knocked out by Josie
Lucky Duck
Memphis Mojo
Miami Don

Lightning started off quite aggressive.  He was on my left and whenever I was in a pot he'd jump in and type "It's ooooonnnnn!!!!".  But I held to my game plan.  I chipped my way up slowly and took Lightning's ass out when I turned a straight. And got paid off by the old guy!

For the majority of the mtt I was 2nd in chips....2nd to Jordan who was at the other table.  He kept getting the chip lead and there wasn't much I could do about it....until the final table.

We played 4 handed and 3 handed for a long time.  GG to SmBoatDrinks who bubbled because Jordan hit his double belly buster straight draw. And yes, Jordan had the chips to pay for the cards..  BoatDrinks played a great game though.  Team Fish rocks!!!!  Although he pushed me around a little in tonight's game.  Don't think I didn't notice BoatDrinks!  Mama sees all.

Okay, so Jordan takes care of the bubble and gg SmBoatDrinks.  3 handed for a while and then he knocks out Adam.

Then it's me and the villian heads up.  Appropriately enough, Jordan is on the other team in Survive Donkey Island.  I had a small chip lead and wasn't feeling great about this heads up match, but in less than 5 minutes I had all of Jordan's chips.

Very Josie won The Very Josie! (again)

Those bounties I threw out there - one on me and one on one won either of them cuz I was poetry in motion baby! lol  Obviously I'm laying it on thick,but seriously, I stayed focused and played well.  Did I get a few good hands?  Hell yeah!  But as I told Lightning, I played all most of the other hands well too, not just the monster ones. I didn't throw away chips, I got value for my good hands.  I stole when it was appropriate and didn't donk off many chips.

Some others from Team Donkey showed up like The Goat, and Katitude.  Thanks for playing!  You can check out The Goat's demise below.

Now I was at the other table so I don't know when The Goat decided to jam all in with the hammer.  lol I cannot WAIT to play Survivor Donkey Island with this guy!

Thanks to MiamiDon for some really good HU advice.  It worked!  Oh and Don took down that little game called The Mookie.  Josie and Don FTW!!!

Play smart, and maybe someday you'll win a Very Josie I did tonight.



lightning36 said…
"Lightning started off quite aggressive. He was on my left and whenever I was in a pot he'd jump in and type "It's ooooonnnnn!!!!". He was kicking my ass, but then I turned into my usual cardrack self. I chipped my way up by hitting every flop imaginable, taking chips from everyone while adjusting the horseshoe that is firmly implanted up my ass. Then I took Lightning's ass out when I donk-chased, knowing that I hit my cards every time. I rivered a straight and got paid off by the young, studly guy!"


Josie said…
Light, it's okay that you lost to A GIRL. No need for rationalization. Real reason you lost is you don't have a fold button.
SirFWALGMan said…
Any game Adam cashes in has to be low skill.
Lucki Duck said…
Knocked out by Josie
Lucky Duck
Memphis Mojo
Miami Don

Glad to know I'm at the top of your list VJ!
Josie said…
Waffles, you're the one who made me lose to Adam in football!

Lucky Duck, you're always at the top of my list, and you were in good company!
Jordan said…
First off, GG.

Second, I did not go runner-runner to knock out the bubble. I had a double belly-buster and about 7x his chips (or more). I may've hit my straight on the river, but it was not runner-runner. Someone mentioned it last night and I groaned, but I didn't want to say anything because I don't like to tap the glass. But we are all friends here, so to be clear, I did not beat the bubble with a runner-runner draw. I had 93 on a 567 flop and my opponent had 78 or something similar (one pair and one of my outs. I rivered the 8 (I may've been the 4) and took down the pot. The exact cards may be wrong, but the concept is right. I had a double belly buster and he had a pair and a low kicker.

And I believe I knocked out Adam.
Josie said…
Thanks Jordan! Sorry about my inaccuracy! It all kinda blended together, what with the martini I was sipping.

Plus I took a ton of screen shots and was depending on them, but they were pure white when I went to look at them.

Great playing with you!
Josie said…
Jordan, I adjusted the post thanks.

"but I didn't want to say anything because I don't like to tap the glass" LOL You crack me up.
lightning36 said…
Hmmm ... and I even warned Josie about changing hand histories last night. Hmmm ...

Not that I'm BITTER or anything. Just sayin' ... lol.
edgie212 said…
You didn't bust me out, Jordan did.
Josie said…
LOL Light. Next time I'll give you some extra chips to even things out. ;)
Jordan said…
Just for the record, the tap the glass comment is not meant to imply that anyone at that table was a fish. I just figured that I would take the benefit of the loose image I was getting. It would've worked, too, if you didn't hit your Ace on the 88 v. A7 hand that ended the game for me.
Josie said…
Jordan, yes, but the end of the game you were playing every hand....couldn't let you bully me when I had an ace. I was very surprised to see 8-8, but by the time I hit that ace, I had alot of other outs including a frush draw.
GG! I wanna play you again....guess I have to wait for Donkey Island.

Edgie, I will adjust and next time maybe I'll take notes! lol Thanks for playing!
Memphis MOJO said…
Congrats on the win. You're on a roll lately.

Do you get one of your own tee shirts?
Josie said…
Thanks Mojo! LOL I already have a VJ tshirt. And Thanks for being part of the Josie Sandwich last night.

Lightning on the left, mojo on the right and Josie in the middle. Don't forget the best part of a sandwich is the middle! Mmmm
SirFWALGMan said…
Ya know I had totally different picks than what I sent you.. then Skiddoo had me rethinking my thoughts... so blame him or something. :P.
The Neophyte said…
It's really not nice when the tourney hostess goes off, whacks everyone in sight, then wins the whole thing. Think about that next time you covet Lightning or Mojo's chip stacks. Certainly not Southern Hospitality, not even south Boston hospitality
Josie said…
Neo, Nice, shmice.

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