The Very Josie Tournament
Tomorrow night is The Very Josie and YOU BETTER PLAY!!! 9pm Eastern Time. It's been a whole month since we've done this. Clear your calendars and play. Or else.
But be warned.
I will be rooting for one man and one man only. And that man is.....
Doesn't he look like Lightning?
This is who is going to win!
It seems Mr. Lightning has put a curse on me. I figure if I show Lightning a little love and root for him (as he requested) the dry patch will soon be over.
Here's Lightning cooking chicken with Martha Stewart!
'Win both The Very Josie and The Mookie? Yeah, he can do that....He's Lightning fucking 36."
Play tomorrow night. You'll hear me rooting for Lightning (obv) and see me kicking his ass (obv) all at the same time. Should be interesting.
BTW I had a great weekend away. Alot of fun shopping @ outlets stores and kayaking. My kinda combo. Kayaking was the most fun..
4 hour trip on the Sacco River, which was full of people doing the same. Sugar Bear is an experienced kayaker and was in his own kayak when all of a sudden he flipped. I looked over and he was gone and the kayak was upside down. He was not happy about this. He finally got back inside but was soaking wet and cold.
Out of no where, this older woman in a cowboy hat comes by with a super soaker water gun and squirts Sugar Bear in the face. She was just playing (something I'd do) but he other words to describe it....pissed off! I think because he was already cold.
She paddles down the river and he's seething. He decides he's going to find her and give her a piece of his mind. Now this kid is so shy, when an adult asks him a question he can barely answer above a whisper.
So he paddles off down the river with vengenance in his heart and I kinda follow just in case. 15 minutes later he finds her and sidles up to her kayak. "Hey I'm the kid you squirted in the face. Remember me?"
She says "No I don't remember you, but I believe you because I've been squirting all the kids younger than me."
He says "Well yeah you're older than me. ALOT older. Don't do it again".
And with that he leaves. About a half hour later this guy says "Hey kid wanna get her back? You can use my water gun."
Yes he DOES want to get her back, so he hunts her down again. Baaaaad idea. He squirts her and she says "Kid you don't want this fight." He says that he does. So she absolutely soaks him. LOL I was dying laughing. Sugar Bear was not she flipped over herself. We got to watch that and it was hilarious.
But it wasn't as hilarious as my sister flipping into the drink. She did this TWICE. And screamed both times. It was her first time. She does this about 50 feet from the drop off area. All you could hear on the river was me laughing. After the first time I tell her to go to the sandy area, but instead she does to the mucky edge and is stuck up to her knees in mud. (and screams again)
Play Smart - TOMORROW NIGHT. Dontcha wanna witness me kissing Lightning's ass? That curse is coming off!
He sucks at poker too. I swear if it was not for luck he would never win an MTT. Fricken moron.
I can insult him too because any curse he can try and lay on me is like pouring battery acid into a vat of hydrochloric acid. You can not curse the cursed. Boo yah!
Just sayin'......