The Very Josie is TONIGHT
I'm still steaming from my last tourney, so now is the time to play The Very Josie - while you have an actual chance to outlast me. But be warned, I'll be coming out with guns blazing. No alcohol, no excessive chatting, and no home game. You guys are DEAD MEAT.
Winner gets a Very Josie certificate with these girls on it
I've never won my own tournament, although I've come in the money quite a few times. I don't remember the specifics, but I do remember blaming Memphis MOJO for this phenomenon. He seems so nice when he isn't playing poker.
To find the tourney just find me: veryjosie
Be ready for some ninja like poker. Lightning Bug doesn't stand a chance.
Play smart.
I have a feeling screwing up the schedule will lead to very few players tonight.
You don't need dinner if it's handcuff time