Baseball Over Poker

So baseball won out over poker and I went to the Red Sox game.  Jon Lester was pitching.  First and second innings were great - hitless, and then the wheels fell off.  Franconia took him out when we were down 4-1 with 2 men on base.  Not good.

Proof that I really went to the sox game.  Hey Wakefield's on my ticket.  Hubba Hubba

Anyway, the sox ended up losing 9-1.  Boo!  Plus it was 90 degrees at the start of the game with humidity that was just terrible.  I was sooooo sweaty.  Ugh.

Brian and Me (I am sweatier than I appear)

Then on the way home......I've been soooo good on the diet front (except for some cocktails the other night)...we stopped at THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY for some takeout cheesecake.  Just finishing it up right now.  Sooooo Good.

A few more pics from the game:

Pesky's Pole and retired sox numbers in the background.

Okay I just rooted for Lightbulb a little bit - he's still in The Mookie.  I feel like it's time to start winning again.

Play smart.



Josie said…
Congrats to Pokah Dave for winning The Mookie. Helluva heads up game against that Goat. You only won because:

A.) I wasn't home in time to play.
B.) I was rooting for you.
C.) Even a broken clock is right twice a day. :P
Memphis MOJO said…
Thanks for the photos! Always more fun when the Sox win.

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