Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Clicky on the photo to see Very Josie, first place winner

I won a (90) person tournament this morning.  First place baby!  I wanted to practice up for the invitational Sunday night, which is about 115 people.  I guess I'm ready to go!

I'm going to win this.  You know why?  I have a little incentive bet going with Waffles and that always helps me play even better.  And I figure Waffles could definitely use a little incentive himself.  :P  (Hi Waffles!)

Okay, gotta teach some lesbians and black men a lesson or two.

Play smart.



Wolfshead said…
Which one are you?
Lucki Duck said…
Wow! WTG Josie!

You're on quite a heater right now. Enjoy the ride!
Josie said…
Wolfie, I'm in veryjose.

Thanks Ducky!

The bad news is i just woke up and it's 7:15 and guess what? The Lesbain and black men tournament started at 7:00pm. I slept through it! Frigging Nap!
Josie said…
Update! I slept through the tourney but they always have a cash game afterwards and I'm going to hit that. Just for an hour or 2...heading out in 5 minutes. Good thing I napped!
lightning36 said…
You do seem to be on a bit of a heater lately.

Good luck Sunday night. Remember, the field should be loaded again. The variance in finishes in blogger tournaments is tremendous. One week you final table, the next week you don't make the first break.
Josie said…
Light Baby, I'm gonna bust that variance.

Just got home from the cash game. 4 hrs later, up $25. And I was up over $60 after 45 min. But had alot of laughs and left ahead.
dbcooper said…
Congrats on the cash. My son played that same buy in last night and finished 5th.. Used the advice if you know what I mean
Josie said…
Wow, 5th! Sounds like your son can play. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Glad you found the advice useful.

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