A Novel Idea

EVP's advice is always good and I usually follow it (except once and I regret that).  So my novel idea is to do a post about.............POKER.

Specifically, how I am going to win a ToC seat.  Time is running out so I need a plan.  I would also be GRATEFUL for any suggestions or advice. Come on, help me out!

My usual MO gets me close but no cigar.  I obviously need to make an adjustment to take it to the next level.

Usual MO - Play strong hands aggressively. Dump if I don't connect after the flop.  Bet huge if I do.  No flush/straight chasing....try not to play ace rag.

I believe I need to mix things up a bit....but more importantly, WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Should I be slow playing big pairs and trying to trap and make more?

Play smart, or at least teach me how to by this Sunday.



Memphis MOJO said…
Sounds like you are already doing the right things. Poker is mostly skill, but there's luck, too. Hang in there.
dbcooper said…
I like it when you post about more than just poker. Poker blogs can get boring (sorry if I offend anyone) and yours is not boring. You have to mix things up in your blog to keep people interested I think. As for your poker playing keep doing what you are doing. Don't question yourself. Even the top pros got through incredible down swings and you aren't doing that as evidenced by your live tourney win a couple weeks ago.
Josie said…
Thanks guys. Much appreciated! I will hang in there and try my best this Sunday.
crafty said…
One rule of thumb I go by is, you'll need more than a pair to win. I call it "Pair Plus." So by that logic, unless you're bluffing someone, you should jam with nothing less than top pair-top kicker. I've noticed that Ye Olde Poker Gods get riled up if you try to win with less than that.
Josie said…
Gary - I have more than top pair top kicker when I jam. So I dunno.

Going to a focus group right after work tonight. $150 for one hour of my time AND my opinion. I love to give my opinion.

And since Cricket's going with me to keep me company we're splitting the cashola. That's a guaranteed win.
Wolfshead said…
Shove that A-rag
Josie said…
Wolfie, I prefer to shove something else. ;)
dbcooper said…
Wow you won't get your opinion in just an hour . Those poor people will be there for hours...Hopefully coffee will be served to keep them awake.
lightning36 said…
In all seriousness:

I notice that you have a pattern: you chip up early almost every tournament I have seen you play (wish I could do that as often), but tend to bleed chips with the kind of hands Gary mentioned. You might also want to consider the hands you shove at the end.
Josie said…
@Light - you're so right - especially that shove at the end. I'm ALWAYS the dog there...totally going to work on that.

@Coop - they want to PAY for my opinion, and you know they'll get their money's worth. :)
dbcooper said…
There is no doubt they will get their moneys worth and more and more and more....
SirFWALGMan said…
I think lightning is a moron.

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