Dad's Birthday

Today would've been my father's 75th birthday. 

Dad LOVED to play poker.  Was he good at it? Nahhh, but he played every chance he got.  Growing up I was the youngest of three kids and when Dad decided to play poker, you can bet I was there.  My older brother and sister had no interest, but even then I pwned them all.  10 years old, but very tiny and probably looking 8 years old, I'd take pot after pot.  Dad could never understand it, but kept on playing.

As he got older I taught him a little game called No Limit Holdem.  We'd play when I'd visit.  $2 tourneys - the highlight of his week, to be sure.  Of course if I visited any of you, it'd be the highlight of your week too, trust me!  Dad never held out for premium hands though and never had a fold button either, but man he loved to play.  What I DIDN'T love was taking 2 bucks from him every half hr or so.

You guys know how I'm a bitch, right? Never found a game I didn't want to dominate, right?  My little gift to him was throwing more games than I care to count so Dad would have some fun.  That's actually a big gift coming from me.

Dad, only you get the free games! 

Play smart, unless  you're playing against your Dad.



BamBam said…
I admire anyone that can look at the brighter side of things, on day's like this. For that, link love headed your way.

Josie said…
Thanks for the link love BamBam! No more kisses of death for you. ;)
fmarra17 said…
I have those same types of memories about my grandfather. It puts a smile on my face think about it. Good stuff....
Josie said…
Thanks Frank - definitely good stuff!
dbcooper said…
Always nice to remember those moments.
lightning36 said…
This seems to be the "remember dad" month. Always good to have fond memories.
The Neophyte said…
I'm waiting for my daughter or sons to start a blog and talk about their "dear ole dad" now. It was my grandfather that taught me poker and got me started on my life long addiction to card games. Thanks for bringing back those memories Josie. I'd link to you but I don't know how
Josie said…
Neo - I wonder how many poker players played as kids. Glad you enjoyed the wanna link to me? *blushing*(not) lol
Wolfshead said…
I started as a kid tho I didn't learn hold em untill about 12 years ago
Memphis MOJO said…
Very nicely written post. Shows the softer side of Very Josie, but, sssh, we don't wanna ruin your image.
Josie said…
@Wolfie - me too! That's about when I started holdem...and then I lost interest in stud, draw, etc.

@mojo - Thanks - don't worry I won't show it again very soon OLD GUY!

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