It's a Jungle Out There (no poker content)

Not Cute I understand that raccoons are a part of nature, and we are all God's creatures. I get that. Really I do. Any creatures that come in my house leave in a body bag though. Stay off my fucking turf. That goes for bugs too. I don't mind bugs when I'm outside. If I'm outside I'm hanging at their place then I'm respectful. I can go camping and not freak the fuck out at the many bugs and moths that are part of the experience. But if one flies into the house, rest assured he does not fly out. I'm not one of those people that escort bugs to the door and bid them farewell. It's time for that fucker to meet his maker. I live near a woody area so my neighborhood is filled with squirrels, cats, foxes, skunks, wild turkeys, coyotes (yep), and the dreaded raccoons. And if I'm to be totally honest (and I always am) I'm not a big fan of animals, wild or otherwise. That being said, I've been called the crazy cat lady ...