The Plan

Alright Biatches!  Let's get back to poker, shall we?

I am hitting Foxwoods tomorrow and I mean hitting it hard.  The sucky thing is the only tournament that fits into my schedule is the 11am tournament that has a measley $120 entry.  Blah.  I guess beggars can't be choosers though.


There's also a 6pm deepstack tourney that has a $180 buyin but fuck that.  I need to get home at a decent time as I have so much more prep to do for Christmas.

Oh and I'm going solo on this excursion.  None of my poker boys can go.  Fuck'em I say!  Hoyazo, Gary and Waffles said no.  Yes, I was desperate enough to even ask Waffles.  :)  No, you guys don't get links because you said no to moi.  Very, very bad.  There is one other pussy GUY though and he's on vacation this week too.  I wonder if wants to meet me in Foxwoods!  Prolly too afraid to meet me in person, I think!  Oh Pokah Dave! you should go to Foxwoods on Thursday.  Your wife won't even notice you're not there!

I always like to have a friend in the poker room but don't get me wrong, I totally don't mind going alone and always have fun at the table.  Erm, maybe a little bit too much fun!

I'll be playing 1-2NL before and after the tournament.  Unless of course James Freakin' Woods is there again.  If that's the case, I'll be playing whatever he is.  I soooo want to be at his table.  Have I mentioned that I met and touched James Woods last time I was there?  lol Yeah, I probably did.  I turned into such a crazy lady stalker that I'm sure he remembers me.  Actually I'm sure the whole table and possibly the room remembers me.  What happens when I go there is soooo many people start chatting to me because they remember me from previous games because I do tend to be memorable.  The problem is I play with so many guys at the table there, they all kinda blend together in my memory and I remember no one.  Ugh.  Funny thing is I don't remember a lot of the guys, but I remember every significant hand.  Both winning and losing hands stay in my mind far too long as I relive them over and over again.

Okay Biatches, time to do some work.  Tune in Friday morning for a recap of what I hope is a profitable day.  Either that or it's gonna be a major bitch session. Stop by either way.

Ahem, on another note, have you noticed that I have 40 frickin' followers!  Yes, that's right, 40.  That's almost my age! lol Anyway, you always remember your 40th...and mine is JT88...the guy who's named after my favorite hand in NLHE, the mighty JT (jack ten).  Thank you baby!  I dunno why it took you so long to sign up, but better late than never!

Play smart, like me.



Mr Mojo Risin said…
Poker is boring, write more about drinking!
Josie said…
Fine. For you mojo, next post will be about many of my bad drinking hope you're old enough for this shiat.
Cranky said…
VJ - don't worry about lack of poker content. The variety of subjects on your blog is more interesting than a very poker-centric one, IMO.
Mr Mojo Risin said…
LOL how old do you think I am?
Josie said…
Thanks cranky! I do run the gamit of subjects.

mojo - 75 yrs old? :)
badbilly32 said…
f.t.r thats not a tourney schedule. thats a nlhe mtt sched.why on earth are ther no other mtt's besides hold em,theres not even lhe i could assrape! sigh why must i live my mtt life in the orleans,the m, and the palms...n/m i know the answer because the only people that play horse/omaha8/razz/stud are over 80 and have oxygen tanks...and me f.m.l.
badbilly32 said…
and im 42 and may not be old enough for some josies"badgirl/drunk stories"
Mr Mojo Risin said…

I know I'm younger than you now at least
Josie said…
I played HORSE once, at mgm in vegas, incredibly drunk, with grump at my table. And I kicked ASS. Oh and i didn't know how to play half the games!
badbilly32 said…
wanna talk about not knowing how to play certain games..try the i.p. mixed on sunday night...the craziest games ive never heard of..triple flop omaha..............i mean they find away to even fuck up crazy pineapple
Mr Mojo Risin said…
Best HORSE game I was ever in was probably 7 years ago at MGM. We had every seat at the table except one. We explained to the guy how we were all friends and just fucking around for low limits. He was a drunk idiot and didn't care, had the attitude of how he was so much better and just wanted to beat us. He got in a hand with my buddy's wife and every street was capped. He proudly turned over his full house and I fell out of my chair laughing since we were playing Razz! He didn't stay at the table past that hand.
Josie said…
LOLLLLL Mojo that's awesome! The HORSE game i was at was similar as we were all bloggers and just having a good time. I was in the 1 seat and kept BEGGING and hitting and maybe flashing the dealer to get him to change the game back to holdem. alas, he wouldn't.
Mr Mojo Risin said…
Flashing? Pics or it didn't happen!
badbilly32 said…
thats right around the time when the 50k was just horse! it caught fire for a hot minute in vegas..of course once everyone figured out that they were clueless as how to play the games, they went back to being clueless playing nlhe lol..the only low mid lim games on the strip are 3/6 sunday mix at i.p. and venitian spreads 8/16 which is a little high end for me unless im up on the trip and frerolling. hence i spend a good deal of my time in the orleans(with that weird ass vanilla smell)and all the 80 year olds on oxygen and the occasional gang fight which somehow always seems to spill over that three foot wall that seperates the bar from the pokeroom........
badbilly32 said…
agree with mojo! pics or g.t.f.o.
edgie212 said…
You didnt ask me to go!
Josie said…
lol no pictures!!!!
Josie said…
EDGIE!! I'm asking now!!! Foxwoods tomorrow!! 11am tournament. Last longer bet? Huh punk? :) Besides, you said you'd buy me drinks at borgata and if memory serves, you still owe me!
JT88Keys said…
If you really want more followers pics might be the way to go. Jus sayin'...
Wolfshead said…
40 followers huh? I have none so there. BTW, you also played 5-10 O8 w/ kill tho you never grasped the meaning of the kill button which was surprising because since you bet like it was NLHE it was in play for most hands.

Badbilly, not all of us are 80 and need oxygen, some are ounger and only need canes. I have the same complaint as you. Hell you can't even find a stud game for a change of pace anymore let alone a mixed game. And I've played a 9 or 10 game mixed at the IP. Enough to drive an East Cast boy insane.
PokahDave said…
I would love to go but can't...I gots me some Christmas shoppin to do. I may be able to stop in at Rockingham tonight or tomorrow night..but can't go high Rollin at the 'woods. Not for a while smart!
Josie said…
JT!!!! Not a bad idea....

Wolfie, I forgot about that dumb game in that dumb poker room!!! I kept getting that damn kill button! Both you and billy like those kinda games. blah.
Josie said…
@pokah dave, i'm beginning to think you're afraid of me - god knows what lightbulb said about me in vegas last week. lol jk. Merry Christmas sweetie!
badbilly32 said…
lol@blah,let me say wolf sounds like my kind of poker player! is there anything better than a stud/stud 8 game...........although i really do like a 5-8 game rotation(and yes miss no limit that can include plo and nlhe)my typical vegas trip mtt schedule goes something like this
monday/lim omaha8@orleans
tuesday(new)horse/the m
wed usually or both
the $80@caesars or the$100 at aria(NLHE)
thurs lim omaha8@orelans
thurs night horse/palms
fri horse@orleans
hows that for a "blah" week of poker lol mr wolf pls help me out here, i know v.j. will not think this a proper schedule at all :)
lightning36 said…
"@pokah dave, i'm beginning to think you're afraid of me - god knows what lightbulb said about me in vegas last week."

I'll bet your ears were burning!
Josie said…
omfg that sounds like a brutal schedule. Yeah, wolfie likes those sucky games too. He's my atlantic city connection - and he better be saving me some cookies for when I get there again! I almost killed the poor guy during the november trip.

wolfie, have you recovered? :)
badbilly32 said…
whoaa whooaaa whooaaa "sucky games" lol "stud" is americas true poker game(notice its not named after a state)and im slightly bummed,as i thought "perfection"didnt mean being a one trick pony(nlhe)when it came to poker! hehehe(cant wait for this reply) razz/lowball is not a "sucky game"young lady! your just not good at it(sticking tongue out at you as i type)...but im sure mr wolfshead or i could teach you,you seem to have high retention, so theres hope for you yet!!!!!!!!!!!!
Josie said…
ONE TRICK PONY?????? Just because I don't like them doesn't mean I can't play them. I've been playing 7 card stud since I was 7 years old Biatch! (btw you are not officially my friend until i've called you biatch)
Josie said…
ANDDDDD I won Survive Donkey Island - see badge to the right and they threw lots of games in there like BADUGI!! It was a weeks long event that took years off my life, BUT I WON.
badbilly32 said…
stud since you were 7? big deal! this means you have only been playing for a little over 20years(this should get me back in good graces :)

f.w.i.w i abhor badugi ive prolly played under 200 hands of it lifetime
Anonymous said…
Since I definately know that I am your biatch not to mention your boy toy. My only royal came in 7 card stud. Have never had another one and thats after 5 zillion hands of NLHE. I miss playing that game. Much better game for strip poker than holdem too. Not that you would know about those things Miss Josie being so innocent and all. Good luck tomorrow and think about what your wearing. It could mean the difference between going deep and cashing.
Josie said…
sorry billy, my boytoy is distracting me....i'm getting to like him (my biatch). Mmmmm
Wolfshead said…
BB I'm with you, I like variety in my poker but I ain't teaching VJ a thing about other games because she doesn't listen anyway. She sits in, plays every game like she's playing tourney NLHE, style wise, not content wise, and winds up sucking out enough to make it ook good, ain't that right Brian? Cost me 3 buy ins last time she decided to sit in on something other than HE while I was around. No thank you, she can stay at the HE tables.

And VJ, you just my w3ind up SOL on those salt tollhouse. Ain't even Christmas and somehow a quater of the container's worth has disappeared. Someone likes my screwups.
Josie said…
Wait a minute Wolfie - but I won...regardless I've been thinking...maybe you should teach me how to play that kill thingy correctly and I will listen. MAYBE.

Get those cookies away from your nephew!

and easy with the "BB, I'm with you!"
Wolfshead said…
Yea, you won but that was the kind of win you hate to hear about, a luckbox win because you didn't have the slightest idea of that game. I did explain the game to you, umpteen time, you just didn't listen. Tho to be honest that night you were imbibing heavily tho that doesn't have to mean anything given your nature. And don't knock BB, sounds like a true poker player as opposed to a hold em player
badbilly32 said…
thanx wolf! i do like to consider myself a pretty good all around card player!...

dont get me wrong i still enjoy playing hold em,(espeically live),but t.b.h a couple things factored into me getting away from it..
first the players from 02-07 it was like shooting fish from a barrell! right around 07/08 is when the game really changed it went from 3x to 2x,and it went from 3 betting only qq,kk,aa to 3betting the under the gun raise from mid pos with 78dd.. suddenly 14 year old mathmatics kids were winning milly's and my r.o.i went into the dumpster...i had a hard time changing with the times!

coincidentally 07 is right around the time that the 50k was straight horse..these were all the games i played growing up/or offered at my sunday night home game, and horse was also like the home game in the fact that the game changed i.e. dealers choice....

so in 08 i switched over to exclusivley to horse/limit say that it was a good move would be somewhat of a modest statement( feel free to opr badbilly32 on tilt in 08 and stars in 09) i just killed it and never looked back(mind you killed it is a realative term to the stakes i was playing)....$5-$75 mtts

i still play online, and am forced into playing nlhe much more again, as there are only 2 horse mtt's offered on the net(a$2 and a $10) on the merge net. and i would say my game has improved because of it, but at the end of the day i prefer/know where my bread is buttered.. the mix

editors note: if this is too long or irrelvant as always feel free not to post it..just thought if im gonna be a reg poster in your blog, as i have no blog of my own, id give your reg readers a "billysynopsis" on my poker backround/pedigree......

p.s. i can already see that wolf's my kinda guy......"a true test of another man's intelligence, is how much he agrees with you!" lol

sorry it's sooo long guys, ill try and add more brevity to my future posts

Bayne_S said…
I thought Cricket was the sister who was under 50?
SirFWALGMan said…
Wolfie you have readers!!

I like all poker games too. Stud, Omatard, Horse, that is why it was so great when online was around.

I see a ton of Omaha spread at Foxwoods.. Seems like it has caught on.. Can not tell if it is PLO or Limit or what... may try it a little next time I go.
Wolfshead said…
@ waffles, yea, to my comments on VJ's blog

@bb bb, I grew up with stud and draw and a bastard version of Omaha and never played HE until I hit a casino later in life. Even then it was mainly stud and limit with NL being the lone table in the back so I learned HE as a limit game. I can, and do play it as NL but still prefer the game I started with. Probl;em is you can find low stakes and hi stakes but nothing mid range.

A VJ, felt I should mention you because we're hijacking your blog :PPP
Josie said…
@wolfie, both waffles and i read you every fucking time you post.

@wolfie and @bad billy - GET A ROOM! Sheesh. It's supposed to be ALL EYES ON JOSIE around here. :)
badbilly32 said…
and what would make you think just because wolfshead and i are having a "lovefest" that either of us would take our gaze away from you!

PLUS it would help if youd update us on our excursion, at which time you will have our UNDIVIDED attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wolfshead said…
Speak for yourself bb I've chauffered her around enough that I get tired of looking at her and putting up with her antics
badbilly32 said…
i really like wolfshead !im seriously lolling after your last post sir!
Josie said…
billy, do NOT believe wolfie. He may be tired of chauffering me, but he is certainly NOT tired of looking at me. NOT AT ALL. And yees, Wolfie's very funny with his biting sense of humor. I've stolen a line or two from him and used it here. heh.
Wolfshead said…
BTW, I'm ready for an AC trip
lightning36 said…
Wolfie the butt boy and the woman he caters to. Muhahahahaha
Wolfshead said…
Says the guy with the size 15 lips

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