December 1st is Officially...

...Valentine's Day!

If you live in Boston (or not under a rock) you'd know why today is Valentine's Day.  Today Bobby Valentine signed a two year contract with the Boston Red Sox to be the new skipper.  I think this is going to be a huge success.  Huge.

He has oodles of experience and success managing big league teams.  Quite frankly, he's had success with teams that are far less talented than the current bosox roster, which is why I have a warm fuzzy feeling about this guy.

Sure, I've heard stories that he's a little over the top and has a big ego.  So what!  I don't mind a big ego, so long as there's a legit reason for his ego.  If he's great then why the hell shouldn't he have a big ego?  He's given me a glimmer of hope for the sox's 2012 season and that's the first bit of hope I've had since they got eliminated from the wild card and Papelbon signed up with the Phillies.

Hope is a wonderful thing.

Happy Valentine's Day!



Cranky said…
VJ - amen, sistah! Looking forward to the 2012 season very much!
The Neophyte said…
"Remember Josie, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." Which is fitting because after last year, the Sox have that to hang their hats on. You really think Bobby V is the answer to your prayers? Well I hope those warm fuzzy feelings can get you through another bitter cold winter up there.
Josie said…
I'm part of the Fenway Faithful - Win or lose I always have hope.

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