
Jonathan Papelbon, OUR Red Sox closer just signed a deal with THE PHILLIES.

Le moan.  :(

You can read all about it RIGHT HERE

Only thing worse would be if he signed with the yankees.




Cranky said…
VJ - did you really think Pap was going to re-sign with the Sox? He's made it quite clear over the last few years that he's a hired gun and will follow the $$$$. I may whine about his departure next summer when Bard has bad days, but right now I'm happy about it. (And I do remember that Bard was absolutely HORRIBLE during the meltdown at season's end.)
Josie said…
@cranky, I was just telling a Phillies fan that Paps was there purely for M O N E Y. I'm worried about next season though. we need some talent.
The Neophyte said…
So how does that feel? One of your best players is lured away by more $, a guy who was the heart of the team for years. Stings a bit don't it?
Josie said…
@neo baby, thank you captain obvious! what gave it away? OMFG? Le Moan? Gasp? Perhaps Boo? LOL you're quick.
The Neophyte said…
Welcome to the world of everyone else, all of us who don't root for Boston, NY or Philly. You've been Little Miss Oblivious all these years. Oh we signed Gonzalez or Crawford, or Drew etc. These guys don't appear out of thin air ya know. I'm sorry if I'm feeling a bit of schadenfreude watching the Sox implode. I would enjoy this so much more if it were the Yankees instead but I take my pleasure where I can find it.
Josie said…
@neo, i don't even know what the eff you're talking about, so we'll leave it at that. Bitter, Party of One!, you're table is ready.
lightning36 said…
Perhaps Josie does not understand that just because ESPN and the people who live in the northeastern US live for the Red Sox and Yankees that the rest of us don't give a rat's ass about them? I do not add the Phillies here since no one gave a damn about them until a few years ago.
The Neophyte said…
As I said, Miss Oblivious. Go ahead, take your easy shots. I catch them from the NYers too. You have no understanding, no empathy, and when I point out the realities, I'm bitter. I can live with that while I am outside in shorts and a tee working on my car today. Wait till your next walk from the bus stop to work in a 35 degree rain storm. We'll see who's at the bitter table then.
Hangar18 said…
Sorry Josie but the NYY would NEVER be interested in Pap.....he is a LOSER not a CLOSER.
Josie said…
@paul, if he is, he's a 50 million dollar loser, according to the phillies.

and I disagree with you. I think the yankees favorite past time is to collect ex red sox players that are past their prime. shall I make you a list of them? :)

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