The Mob

Sure, you probably know I'm Italian but did you know I'm in THE MOB!!! Well, I am!  The Hendon Mob to be exact.  Who knew?

I was perusing through it checking out all the cash young Mr. Hoyazo has won, and then just for kicks I put in my name and was pleasantly surprised.  I'm in there for my cash at Foxwoods.  Hoy's in there for some little known event called the WSOP, plus a few other cashes as well.  Biatch.  We'll see who cashes for more next week at Borgata.  I will get another entry if when I cash there.  And you guys know I'll be lasting longer than Hoy, right?

I can't. Freakin'. Wait.

Under my name it says that the player's photo is not available.  I'm thinking of sending the picture of me and James Freakin' Woods.  :)

Play smart and get on the Hendon Mob page.



BTW if you want to do a last-longer bet at the Borgata next week, you know I am all in.
Josie said…
Hmmmm Mr. Over Confident, I surely do.
crafty said…
Don't give them the pic with you and James Woods. Act like you've been there before. Woods is just another guy whose chips you want.
Josie said…
@gary, yeah I was just kidding around. besides that's a terrible picture of moi.

i won't post a pic unless I get another entry on there, and i'd like the pic to be me playing at the felt.
crafty said…
give 'em that pic of you at SSC waving the money - you know the one I'm talking about?
Josie said…
yeah i know which one you mean - that's a good one, but nah. it's an old pic and besides I want a pic of me at a poker table looking professional. (fake it till you make it!)

The real question is what should my last longer bet be with Hoy? I am soooooo winning that.
KenP said…
And you guys know I'll be lasting longer than Hoy, right?

You've been talking to his wife I'll bet.
Josie said…
LOL Ken I was talking POKER.
Memphis MOJO said…
You're lucky to have a name like the one you do. Try David Smith.

I'm listed as David Smith from Memphis TN, I'm in there as David Smith from Walls MS and I'm in there as David Smith with no hometown listed and two are my cashes and two are from some other David Smith. Also, my biggest cash was at the WSOP and it's NOT LISTED AT ALL.
Josie said…
That's not a real name is it? LOL jk I did try looking you up but there were too many david smiths to filter through, which is why you should submit a photo.
crafty said…
I like it. Use David Smith.
lightning36 said…
Too many David Smiths around -- haw haw. I'll stop there. : o )

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