Opening day

Last year at a Red Sox/Yankees game with clients

I seem to have the pallor of the walking dead in that photo above.  Maybe because it was a May game and I hadn't really gotten my tan on at that point.  Blah. Right now I am paler than death.  April 1st.  I haven't seen the sun in any meaningful capacity in 7 months so it's no wonder I'm as pale as you mere mortals.  Of course it's snowing today, so tanning ain't in the near future either.

I'm getting off track here.  The post is about The Red Sox! Today is Opening Day, but not here in Boston, which is just as well, considering THE SNOW and all.  They're playing in Texas and game time temp should be a balmy 80 degrees.

This is the year baby!  Lester's on the mound and we have a formidable lineup to support him.  I hope Ortiz will be the Ortiz of years past.  He worries me.

In any event - I have a bit of personaal news that is related to the The Red Sox.  With the start of the season I will be writing for an online thingy called Red Sox 101.  These will be more structured articles, unlike the stream on conscienciousness written here and I have committed to 4 articles per week.

To that end, I will no longer be posting on The Very Josie blog.  At least until October when the season ends.  I think it's a good time to make the break as Survive Donkey Island is winding down this week.

I'll post my first article here to give you a peek, as well as the url to Red Sox 101.

I hope you've enjoyed what I've done here as much as I've enjoyed each of you. Take care my friends, and be warned, I'll still be reading.

Play smart.



SirFWALGMan said…
wtf? You sold out! Goddammit woman! It's not even a non-compete situation. Blah.
Josie said…
Now come on Waffles, you can always aggravate me by im or email!
Josie said…
Ducky, The rangers aren't THAT lucky. Red Sox ALL THE WAY!!!
KenP said…
And a happy 4/1 to you too!
Josie said…
KenP! You're intelligence is attractive and infuriating. Ruining my April Fools Joke!

No my work ain't close to being done here yet.

crafty said…
Hopefully our gracious hostess will regale us with tales of April Fools of years past...some of them have been EPIC.
Josie said…
Gary not a bad idea.
lightning36 said…
Such a mean joke. Here I was, all weepy with tears running off my face onto my laptop ...
Memphis MOJO said…
I will no longer be posting on The Very Josie blog.

When I read this, I forgot what today was and I thought" "Sure, she won't post for at least ONE DAY."
Josie said…
Mojo you know me too well!
Josie said…
Lightning, methinks you're exaggerating.

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