It's Okay Tuesday

I got this idea from Airing My Dirty Laundry.  Every Tuesday she does a post called "It's Okay Tuesday" where she'll list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this.  Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.

It's okay.......

1. That I didn't love Black Swan even though Natalie Portman is one of my favorite actresses.

2. To be extra bitchy crabby when I have my period.

3. To overshare about said period.  :)

4. That I have never seen a Star Wars movie and don't want to.

5. To snicker whenever I hear the word twitter.  It's the word my sister and I have used for years for va-jay-jay, so that will always be twitter's first definition in my mind.  Hee hee.

6. To not have any desire to twitter.  Heh.  The word is cracking me up!

7. That I have not been on facebook in months.  I usually lose interest in such things very quickly.

8. That I don't miss online poker.  Really, I don't.  What I do miss is the pleasure of interacting with friends and swearing at them too. 

9. To prefer to read at lunchtime at my desk instead of being social in the lunchroom.  I get that it's not as much fun without me but.....

10. To be angry that I was just told I have to attend a big mediation meeting on FRIDAY AFTERNOON 3-5pm.  We designed the new courthouse in Fall River MA, and there are many unpaid additional services that have to be resolved.  I have a couple of days to get all my ammo ready for the fight, but why on Friday afternoon?  As I'm going to be heading up our side, why didn't the project manager check with me to see if I was available?  Oh and I know it won't end at 5pm.  Hmmm maybe it will as we're meeting with the Comm of Mass Division of Capital Asset Mgmnt.  State employees do not like to work overtime.  They do however, LOVE paper documention, which they are going to get in spades.  Um, refer to Item #2.

11. To feign interest in Boss' Passover seder while thinking "Oooo new Deadliest Catch is on tonight."

12.  To be overly happy that my fave housewives, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, have a new season starting in May.  Yay!

It's all okay!



lightning36 said…
"What I do miss is the pleasure of interacting with friends"


The biggest loss, imo.
Wolfshead said…
You've never seen Star Wars but you watch Real Housewives and Survivor. Something wrong with your values woman.
Josie said…
Yeah Light. :(

Wolfie, There may be something wrong with my taste in entertainment, but not my values.
Josie said…
Wolfie, I know you're not into reality TV but you MUST watch Deadliest Catch tonight. It's a new season and even though I do not like fishing, it's a great show.
jamyhawk said…
I miss it. For all it was worth. I miss it.

Still in shock. May be weeks before I come out of shock.
Josie said…
Jamy, it'll be okay. You're just going to have to find a live game.
KenP said…
I usually lose interest in such things very quickly.

Only one child, huh?
BVUGrad2003 said…
Actually, it's not really THAT okay that you haven't been on Facebook in many months, especially because "What I do miss is the pleasure of interacting with friends"
And that's how we can interact :(
Josie said…
Kne, I have another, I just lost interest in her. LOLLL JK

BVUGrad - Sorry baby - that's so true. I'll be logging onto facebook just so we can chat!
Memphis MOJO said…
When you have your own web site, you don't need basefook or twitter.
Josie said…
Oooooo my own website! Once I win the wsop this summer!
Wolfshead said…
There ain't nothing wrong with your taste, you don't have any to have something wrong with it.

And why do you need to hit WSOP this summer to afford your own website? If you notice I have my own and I set mine up while I was still unemployed and before disability kicked in. Of course I already had claimed my domain name years before but that runs less that $150 for a 10 year lease and you can get hosting services for around $5/month. Not exactly major expenditures.
Josie said…
Wolfie would you set up a website FOR ME???? XOXOXO Josie love u long time. :)
Wolfshead said…
Hell, I'm still working on mine yet. Blog is easy, Wordpress practically does the work for you. Regular site page has a lot of options. I used Kompozer but think you can use WP for that too. Naybe Waffles can do it for you or I'm sure Light would be a gentleman
lightning36 said…
"or I'm sure Light would be a gentleman"

There is sooo much wrong with this comment, Wolfshead. I am probably the least ('cept for Joe) technically-oriented person around.

As for being a gentleman ...
Josie said…
Lightning's a PERFECT gentleman and a sweetheart in person, regardless of his image as a donkey's ass here. :)

I <3 Lightbulb.
Wolfshead said…
Well, there's always Gary I guess
Josie said…
Yes, I'm sure Gary'd help me out, but I'm not dying to have my own I said not till I win the WSOP!
Memphis MOJO said…
You already have your own web site -- it's called the Very Josie blog. You put up photos, write content, share ideas and received feedback (comments) from your readers.
KenP said…
So, anybody seen this girl around? Funny name. Jo something. Joline? Nahh, that's not it but something close.
SirFWALGMan said…
I will tie Josie down and make her watch Star Wars! I promise it will happen!
SirFWALGMan said…
P.S. I used to do a lot of web dev. :P.
Josie said…
Waffles, I'll tie you down and make you watch Real Housewives of New Jersey!

Ken, I'm here - can't read your post in work because it gets caught in the filter....I'll even do a new post soon!

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