With Friends Like These....

Yes another post for me.  Why you ask?  Because I ran into one too many stupid "friends" today.  Lemme splain...

Adam is a kid I work with and he's in my football league and yes he sucks.  He's at the very bottom of the standings and we have a half time and end of year bet that is pretty much sewn up.  So I sort of get why he'd be bitter.  He came by my desk a couple of times today just to say "I hope you lose!!!  Tennessee is gonna win!  You're toast!"   WTF!  I ask "You're really hoping I lose?"  Yup!  I figure him being male and all, maybe he's slow, so I explain that whether I win or lose tonight won't help him. He's beyond catching up to me, but yeah he knows that.  Okay fine.

Then my favorite Jew calls me.  We have a nice long chat (17 min, 38 seconds) and at the end he tells me that he's rooting for me to lose.  Really I ask?  Or are you just being funny?  Answer:  "Yeah, I kinda am".  Okay so maybe that's because he's been there on more than one (really more than 101) occasions where I've won and gloated so maybe his answer is slightly justified.  But sheesh, I consider him a friend.

Now for the Waffles cherry on top. Frigging Waffles has been sending me messages like....

Titans are gonna win.  Heh.
You're screwed.
You're doomed.

So I tell the biatch to put his money where his big mouth is, but he declined for one very good reason.  No Balls! :)

So these friends guys, who cannot benefit from the results of tonight's game, wish me the worst.  Interesting, huh?

On the flip side, there is Neo Baby who has points on Tennessee but tells me he'll root for them to lose anyway.  Or Mojo Baby, who IS Tennessee, but he ain't rooting for Tennessee to win. 

Maybe I'm just cranky and worried.....but they are still fuckers!!!  I sooo hope I am NOT able to swear about them tomorrow.  :)



SirFWALGMan said…
Now now.. first off I did not decline your bet.. I am more than willing...

Secondly I did not say I "Wanted you to lose".. I just stated my opinion that you WERE going to lose based on my vast knowledge of Football. :P.

I would be very happy if you won. I enjoy watching you win.. well, except that one time with that guy in the SNG.. but anyways, I usually like to see you win.

Also I am well known as the best cooler on the planet so you actually should be HAPPY that I think the Titan's are going to win...
Josie said…
Waffles, you are always wrong, so that's a comfort.
KenP said…
When Waffles saw the 69 reference, the blood rushed from his brain.

That was obvious a waste of blood movement.

GL! I have no reason to wish otherwise.
Josie said…
Yeah it's kind of weird that $69 is the weekly prize, but that's what it worked out at.

Kenny is one of the good guys!
crafty said…
Hey - I meant I was kidding, not that I really want you to lose. Remember? "I have no skin in this game?" Sorry if you took it the wrong way.
Josie said…
Gary, It's cool. As I write this the Jags are down 20-0. Put a fork in them, they're done. Oh and FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.
lightning36 said…
The Josie cooler powers exceed the Waffles cooler powers? And these are my teammates in the WPBT last longer bet? FML ...
Josie said…
Lightning, Imma gonna go deep for you, in the WPBT Last Longer Bet! Fo Sho!
Bayne_S said…
Apologies for not commenting sooner but a lesson for next time.

There was an opportunity to bet moneyline on Titans in this spot to lock up a small profit. (If online gambling were legal/possible)

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