HeffMike Rocks

It's official.  HeffMike is my favorite blogger.*

As you know we had a side bet where I had to pay his buy in to (2) Spewday events as well as The Very Josie. (which is next wednesday so mark your calendars)

He says that he'll ship the Spewday buyins back if I use them to play the tourneys myself.  And I was dying to play!  How nice is he?

Waffles still sucks though.  Says I smell like de-feet.  The fucker.  Fucking lucky fucker.  I hope he remembers how lucky he got next time he starts to whine about how he runs bad.  Speaking of running bad, Waffles and I are doing it again.  Get your minds out of the gutter!  I'm talking about betting on picking the winners again in football.  Double or nothing baby!  Trust me, he cannot win twice in a row.

Thank you Heff!  You rock.  Waffles, not so much.

Ohhhh and since I love to tease - something exciting is coming to this Blog.  Stay tuned tomorrow for some news!

Play smart.


*Favorite blogger status is subject to change on a weekly basis.


lightning36 said…
"It's official. HeffMike is my favorite blogger.*

*Favorite blogger status is subject to change on a weekly basis."

This reminds me of a not-too-nice joke, but in the spirit of the day, I will end my comment here ...
KenP said…
You should have known Waffles has his way with the ladies like none other.

Tom Cruise will play him in the movie. They will be digging up Zazu Pitts to play you.

Wolfshead said…
Why did Waffles get lucky? Because Romo got hurt? Don't think so. Romo is so overhyped and over rated that the Cowboys probably did better with him out of there than with him in.

Waffles I owe you a drink
Josie said…
Tell the joke lighbulb - Heff has me in such a good mood, so it's fine.

Ken, I should get to pick The Waffles actor...how bout...I'll get back to you.

Um and I am not a fan of this Zazu Pitts - first of all she's about 100 years old....and kinda ugly...but dammit I CAN see a resemblance - WE ARE FIGHTING!
Josie said…
I got it! Joaquin Phoenix will play Waffles. Mmmmm

Josie said…
Wolfie, if you think the cowboys did better without romo you obv did not watch the game or you is dumb.

And you should be owing ME a drink, not freaking Waffles!
Wolfshead said…
Not just the game, and no I didn't watch because I had just gotten home from Chester and was relaxing from a hard day at work, but overall. Romo is the most overhyped and over rated player in the game. They've been describing him as a HoF QB and superstar since his second year in the league just because he plays for the Cowboys. He's good, maybe even very good but nowhere near great.
Mike Heffner said…
Scoreboard, me!

See you at the tables tonight.
Vegas Linda Lou said…
Hey, Josie-- I recently found out that one of my beloved blog readers (you may know her, too) has cancer. As a result, I'm beefing up my "I hate cancer" slogan. It's now "Cancer can suck my BIG, BLACK dick." Seriously.
Josie said…
Oh No! Fucking Cocksucking cancer can suck my big black dick too.

Shit. I'll drop you an email. Damn that sucks.
Bayne_S said…
There is the stench of defeat here
Josie said…
Bayne, I will beat you about the head and shoulders. I'm just sayin'.

BTW Keep up the good work with the diabetes.

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