Word Verification
I hate word verifications. In order to post a comment (and you guys know I love to comment) the majority of blogs require a word verification. Oh my aching balls (I really don't have any) what a goddamn pain in the ass that is. Every damn time. And they can't be common words. Oh no! These are polysyllabic atrocities like...... accensensaties bronefose monavoco aninastrosa pariago I only wish I was making these words up but I am not. Today's was just priceless though. I commented on Morning Thunder's blog and the word verification was......wait for it.......................shotgism. I was like - does that say.....SHOT GISM. Really? I wanna meet the guy (and most surely it's a guy) who's job it is to make up these words. Then I want to kill him. Josie