Why I don't like dogs

Very Josie's Ass

OMFG I was getting ready to head out for my hike when Neighbor Sue invited me to stop in for some iced coffee.  Remember her and her dog????  Moose knows me and starts barking happily when he sees me so I try to be sociable and pat him.  All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain on my ass.  I wasn't sure if he bit me or scratched me because he'd been jumping up on me, but ouch.  It hurt alot more than a scratch.  The fucker bit me in  my ass.  Unfuckingbelievable.  I guess he's been doing that to people he doesn't see very much.

I stayed for a bit but I was totally freaked out and kept feeling like he'd bite me again at any time.  :(  My ass hurts.

Tonight I'm going out to the movies with the girls. 6 of us are taking the town by storm and by town I mean Pelham NH.  We're going to Chunky's, a movie theater in NH where they serve you dinner before and during the movie, plus they serve mixed drinks!  Woot!  Martinis, margaritas and everything!  We're going to see Something Borrowed, a total chick flick.  I've read the book and really enjoyed it so I know I'm going to have a great night.  So long as no dogs are allowed in the theater.  :(

Tomorrow I'm going to Ma's house where I'll meet up with Gary and then it's onto FOXWOODS.  We'll be playing the 8pm $80 Turbo tourney and another tourney on Monday.  Those players don't know what's in store for them.  :)

Play smart.



The Neophyte said…
Obviously dogs are a better judge of character than most of us, aren't they?
lightning36 said…
I'd guess that you have been bit in the ass before, but I don't wanna know ...
Josie said…
No Neo. Dogs suck.

Lightning, you guessed correctly. I was once bitten in the ass by a donkey. I shiat you not.
The Neophyte said…
A ass bit you in the ass and a dog did too? What next, a raccoon, perhaps a mad chipmunk or a fierce rabbit with huge fangs?
SirFWALGMan said…
ouch. Least we got ass pics though!
SirFWALGMan said…
@Neo I put money on Lightning!
BVUGrad2003 said…
Hey VJ - did you see that Mikey's blog is back up for the public to see? No new posts, but it is active once again!
Josie said…
Hey Jon, thanks for the ends up - i didn't see that his blog was back. Mikey did comment here recently which I thought was a good thing. :) Maybe we'll get a new post from him soon.

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