I have a dream!

Oh wait a minute....it was Memorial Day, not MLK Jr. Day, but still. I had a dream and I usually don't remember my dreams yet I remembered this one! I was in Las Vegas (yay me!) and somehow I ended up sharing a room with Jen Aniston! I shiat you not! Btw she's even hotter in dreams person, but let me back track a bit. I was going to Vegas and meeting my two cousins there, Sara and Maria. My mother told me in no uncertain terms that I must be home in time for Thanksgiving, which was a few days away. Anyway, I get there, meet up with my cousins at the pool and then they intoduce me to Jen Aniston while pool side and get this....She was there in a tiny tangerine bikini bottom and that's it. She was sunbathing topless. I tried to appear cool for about 2 seconds and then I was all like "OMG You're Jen! I love your tan." Of course I was trying to NOT look at her tanned bosom, yet that proved impossible. She told me topless was the onl...